Presenting my March YouTube Cover! This is "Opera No.2" by the amazing Vitas. I had a lot of fun recording it and I hope you enjoy my metal rendition of this gem. Please excuse my Russian, this is the first time I've ever attempted a song in this language! If you enjoyed what you hear, don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me in my social media. Hope you enjoy it! x (Now I cannot stop thinking about what other interesting songs that we can re-arrange to metal...) Vocal(s): Bernice Nikki
Guitars, Drums, Bass, Orchestra: Alexander Lexy Mixed & Mastered by Alexander Lexy (IG: @lexyaeolian)
After a lot of procrastinating session due to endless teaching and directing work, I've finally finished shooting the video for my next cover last night! Featuring the amazing guitars by Blodwen's own Alexander Lexy, I have decided to cover something a little bit more challenging: "Opera no. 2" by the Russian sensation, Vitas. The bullet journal is the Analog System for the Digital Age." I've just jumped into the Bullet Journal bandwagon about a week ago and have been a bit obsessed with it. Basically for those of you who haven't heard of this before, Bullet Journal is essentially a DIY planner. What makes it interesting though, is that you can totally customize it and insert pages that has nothing to do with work.
And I'm finally back with another cover! This time I am revisiting one of my favorite anime from my adolescent years: Cowboy Bebop. When we were working on the song, L mentioned that this song doesn't sound like your typical Japanese song and I do agree. Mai Yamane has a raw quality to her voice which is quite rare among Japanese singers - and the first time I heard her, I was taken aback by how "gender neutral" her voice was. I loved it. This Valentine's day has been filled with nothing but rain and grey skies, so here's my Blues Valentine's gift for you x Vocal(s), Synth, Brass: Bernice Nikki
Guitars, Drums, Bass: Alexander Lexy Mixed & Mastered by Alexander Lexy ([email protected]) Special thanks to Dodo for backdrop x ...and without realizing it, we have gone past a whole month of January in 2017. Time feels like it's going faster every year, doesn't it.
...or maybe it's because I'm getting older? Hmm. These past 2 months have been filled with family reunion, drinking and (still) working. I had to compile ideas and work on a script that I will be staging with JICC for our November show. Can't wait to share about that! Because of all the events happening (and me procrastinating, let's be honest) the bi-monthly project has been delayed but I have (finally) shot the video last night and currently working on final process of editing with Lexy. This time I am revisiting one of my all-time favorite anime OST: the legendary Cowboy Bebop. |
AuthorHi there, I'm Bee. I'm a voice coach / musician / stage director currently residing in Indonesia. Archives
February 2020