Author's Note: This is a story based on my real-life experience during the Jakarta riot in May 1998. The riot took place in the form of demonstration, violence and rape against the ethnic Chinese descendants before the fall of New Order under Soeharto's reign. For more information on the riot, you can further read the BBC Special Report (dated Dec 30 1998) or Wikipedia. I remember very clearly what happened on that day.
On this very day, very hour where this blog post is being written, which is around 1 pm, I was playing LEGO with my brother who was in the 6th grade. At that time, we frequented a shooter adventure gaming place named Planet Laser that was located in Pluit Village. We loved that game so much that we usually visited Planet Laser 2-3 times a week. So when my mother suddenly barged into the room with two house assistants bringing huge bags, somehow my brother and I thought that we were going to go out and play again. My mom said that we were going to stay in a hotel for a few days. We were even more excited then. We thought, "Yay! Vacation time!" I remember that I was still thinking about my homework for the next week, so when we were packing, I put my papers inside the bag. At that time, I didn't know that it was going to be my last week in Jakarta.
Catatan Penulis: Karena banyaknya orang yang membaca postingan ini, saya merasa perlu mengklarifikasi bahwa saya ingin teman-teman tidak hanya melihat teror yang terjadi kepada saya tapi juga nilai kemanusiaan dibaliknya. Hari itu, saya dan keluarga saya ditolong oleh orang baik. Di tengah kengerian yg terjadi, saya bisa selamat karena orang baik yang berani beraksi tanpa peduli SARA. Saya harap dengan tulisan ini bisa lebih menginspirasi khalayak banyak untuk berani menjadi Pak Mamat lainnya. Saya masih ingat dengan sangat jelas apa yang terjadi di hari itu. Persis di tanggal hari ini, jam dimana blog post ini ditulis yaitu sekitar jam 1 siang, saya sedang bermain LEGO dengan kakak laki-laki saya yang duduk di kelas 6 SD. Di saat itu, kami sering mendatangi tempat shooter adventure game bernama Planet Laser yang ada di Pluit Village (saat itu namanya masih Megamall Pluit). Kami bisa mendatangi Planet Laser 2-3x seminggu saking kami keranjingan main tembak-tembakan laser-laseran disana. Jadi ketika Ibu saya tiba-tiba masuk ke kamar bersama dua asisten PRT sambil membawa tas besar, saya dan kakak saya berpikir bahwa kami akan diajak bermain lagi. Ibu bilang kalau kita akan pergi menginap beberapa hari diluar. Wah, saya dan kakak saya lebih senang lagi. "Asik, liburan!" pikir kami. Saya ingat waktu itu saya masih berpikir bahwa minggu depan sekolah sedang banyak PR, jadi waktu Ibu mengepak, saya memasukkan LKS ke dalam tas. Disaat itu saya tidak tahu bahwa hari itu adalah minggu terakhir saya akan berada di Jakarta. I am very happy to launch this new layout! 🖤
I feel that the color choice, design and feel is much closer to who I am as a person this time. For the people who know me IRL, you would know that I am a huge fan of monochromatic colors, especially black and grey. More than half of my closet is filled with black clothing and I own almost nothing else but black shoes, it's a bit of a disease. I hope you enjoy the new layout as much as I do! PS. With this new look, I am looking forward to write more blog posts. Let me know if there's any particular topics / questions you'd like for me to write about. Am learning to write better this year! x |
AuthorHi there, I'm Bee. I'm a voice coach / musician / stage director currently residing in Indonesia. Archives
February 2020